For a just world, universal and global ethics are needed
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Theses on the current problems
1. Whole groups of people, minorities and countless individuals in the world -
2. Politically motivated or connoted violence remains commonplace, legitimate, and used to advance self-
3. Some governments of nation states and other global actors continue to torpedo the establishment of a just political world order.
4. In many places human rights are systematically violated and often there is no possibility to sue and enforce human rights violations legally.
5. Democracy applies only to a minority of the world's population.
Ideas for possible solutions
The following ethical principles must become the basis of a new world order:
These proposals are worth to be discussed in a broad public. In particular, the two proposals of a basic needs treaty and a democracy treaty could prove to be a viable basis for the future shaping of our planet. In contrast, the two proposals of a cultural treaty and an earth treaty are much less binding and less profound -
Mark R. Amstutz (2013:36), with reference to John Rawls (cf. 1999:36ff.), has formulated eight principles that should apply to liberal democracies -
1. peoples are free and independent, and their independence must be respected by other peoples.
2. peoples must honor treaties and obligations.
3. peoples are equal and partners or parties in agreements that they enter into and that bind them.
4. peoples must honor the obligation of non-
5. peoples have the right to self-
6. peoples must recognize human rights
7. peoples must observe certain clearly specified limitations on warfare.
8. peoples have a duty to assist other peoples who live under adverse conditions that prevent them from establishing a just or equitable political and social order.
In the sense of Rawls, an international law shaped according to these rules can be regarded as a minimum standard for a peaceful and stable coexistence and cooperation of nation-
Cited Literature
2013: International Ethics. Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Global Politics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
1997: Grenzen des Wettbewerbs. Die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft und die Zukunft der Menschheit. München: Luchterhand.
2003: Mehr Gemeinsinn! Eine richtige Antwort auch auf die Globalisierung? Köln: Deutscher Institutsverlag.
2009: Philosophische Theorien globaler Ordnung. Realistische Entwürfe oder nur Utopien? Marburg: Metropolis-
1999: The Law of Peoples. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
2017: Menschengerechtes Wirtschaften? Subsistenzethische Perspektive auf die katholische Sozialethik, feministische Ökonomik und Gesellschaftspolitik. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
Download texts (free download):
Unit E3: Basics of ethics
Unit E6: Ethical criteria for a just economy
Unit E16: Conflict and ethics
Unit E19: State. politics and ethics
Unit T2.7: Intercultural communication misunderstandings
Unit G20: Ethics education
Unit E18: The discourse ethics approach of Jürgen Habermas
Unit G14: Approaches to ethics based on communication theory
Unit K41: Satyagraha -
Book notes
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