Human rights as guaranteed fundamental rights everywhere and for everyone around the world
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Theses on the current problems
1. The human rights situation has deteriorated or at least not improved in many places in recent years.
2. Especially in autocratically governed countries, the enforcement of human rights has become more difficult or has even been suspended for individual population groups.
3. Autocratic governments reject engagement for human rights as western interference in their internal affairs or even as terrorism and block the activities of human rights organizations in their countries.
Ideas for possible solutions
According to Sergio Dellavalle (2011:123/124), human rights move between two poles in the history of ideas: According to the first view, human rights were implemented "from above," so to speak (also called "descending" interpretation of human rights, cf. Dellavalle 2011:130), which is why -
From an ethical point of view, the concept of human rights is subject to the following dilemma: If one understands human rights as the inalienable rights of every human being, regardless of cultural or national affiliation, religious conviction or worldview, then the question arises of how to deal with people who reject the universality of human rights out of cultural, religious or worldview conviction. Can, must, should or may human rights be enforced even if they are not shared by all people? If yes: Doesn't the human rights movement thereby violate its own principles, such as freedom of opinion and belief? If no, does not the idea of human rights then lose its very central concern, namely the guarantee and enforcement of fundamental rights for all people, regardless of their specificities?
It seems, from an ethical point of view, there can be only one solution: To try again and again to bring the idea of human rights closer to all people discursively, that is, in conversation and through persuasion, but without violence. Ethical persuasion through discourse, patiently, persistently and without appropriation, but also without being discouraged by failure. Or as Jürgen Habermas (2001:180) once put it: If "human rights are accepted as a transcultural language" (Habermas 2001:180), they will break out of their one-
Georg Lohmann (2012:214) is undoubtedly to be agreed with when he writes: "In the future ... two opposing efforts seem to arise from the tensions between human rights and the pluralism of cultures. On the one hand, powerful political parties seek to replace or at least limit the universalism of human rights with culture-
Cited Literature
2011: „Von oben" oder „Von unten"? Der Schutz der Menschenrechte – zwei Interpretationsansätze. In: Haller, Gret / Günther, Klaus / Neumann, Ulfrid (Hrsg.): Menschenrechte und Volkssouveränität in Europa. Geschichte als Vormund der Demokratie? Frankfurt/New York: Campus. 123 – 158.
2000: Menschenrechte für das nächste Jahrhundert. In: Galtung, Johan (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft der Menschenrechte. Vision: Verständigung zwischen den Kulturen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. 7ff.
2001: Ein Gespräch über Gott und die Welt. In: Habermas, Jürgen: Zeit der Über-
2021: Säkulare und religiöse Bausteine einer universellen Friedensordnung. Eine Zusammenschau. Baden-
2012: Interkulturalismus und „cross-
2014: Empathie als Element einer rekonstruktiven Theorie der Menschenrechte. Baden-
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Unit D15: Human rights, fundamental rights and constitutional state
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